
Achieving the Agility

Achieving technology agility is essential for organizations to stay competitive and responsive to market changes

Agile enables to deliver higher-quality software faster. It encourages close collaboration between business and IT. Agile development when combined with code quality, program execution, & continuous delivery, results in true business agility.

Business Agility

Smaller agile teams can be high-touch collaborative. Large enterprise agile software team are distributed (typically global). The trade-off (of co-location) is done at these large enterprises as they:

  • operate in global markets,
  • leverage global talent pool,
  • want to contain cost.

While going agile, enterprise watch out for:

  • Increased speed of delivery, increased changes, do not create regular outages (otherwise continuous delivery becomes continuous pain for customers)

  • No tracking of what is done, where, when, how (Audit Risk – in regulated industries)

  • Burned out staff

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