
Raise IT Performance Levels

Raising technology performance is crucial for enhancing productivity, efficiency, and overall business success

Raise Performance

Most of the CIO organization have an ongoing performance management system (aka metrics), that establish standards of measurement by which performance, progress, quality, compliance can be assessed. These are both qualitative and quantitative.

Technology consulting companies with their plethora of Certifications like ISO, CMMi, have a deep-seated culture of ‘measuring and improving’ and can help bring ideas as external agents.

Most Enterprise measure around 3 major areas:

Operational Service Levels: these capture the performance of existing infrastructure, applications, and business processes. At minimum, it must capture data on availability, reliability, cost, and quality of operational execution. Value from operations typically comes from improving performance to acceptable levels.

Project Level: classic triple constraint of time, budget, and scope. Mature Enterprise/s has an effective process to assess the business value realized from the projects.

Innovation: Are mostly firm specific, such as incorporating new technology in the IT infrastructure, enabling new business models, facilitating new product features, transforming business processes,‘% revenue from new product/s, skills & capability building.

Examples of few good metrics Metrics

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